Our story begins in 1932, when a small restaurant called The Skyline was opened in Saugatuck, Michigan. Upon receiving extensive remodeling in 1998, The Skyline soon became known as Spectators Sports Bar and Grill. Throughout the years, Spectators has since grown into the full service restaurant we are today, and we are proud of the character and sense of community we help bring to Saugatuck. With a welcoming and athletic atmosphere, Spectators has quickly become one of the most treasured restaurants in the surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide top-quality meals at a reasonable price in a casual environment. There are no off seasons for Spectators – our customers are always our top priority! Which is why we not only want to exceed expectations of quality and service, but our hope is also to be deeply rooted into our community by staying active in supporting local schools and organizations. Our community has helped shape who we are today, and will continue to determine who we are in the future!
Our extensive menu includes wraps, salads, sandwiches, and of course our famous burgers. We operate our restaurants with integrity and respect, and we do it in a fun and personal way. We also love sports around here, so if there’s a game you better believe we will be watching! You mine as well grab a beer and a burger and join us in the action. See you soon!